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Let's go to the movies.

I don't know about you but every time I am watching a movie or a show where the topic of cheese is mentioned I immediately perk more than a normal person should. So in honor of the Oscars I have compiled a list of some of my favorite mentions of cheese in a movie.

She's The Man (2006)

Amanda Bynes character is dishing out tips on picking up girls to Channing Tatum's character. Going with an obvious pick line " Do you like cheese?". Totally acceptable, not to mention a deal breaker in my book and pretty much the BEST part of this movie.

Pulp Fiction (1994)

I was 10 when this movie came out and this is one of the most memorable scenes for me. Was it the mentioning of cheese that helped me remember it? probably.

Anchor Man (2004)

Ron Burgundy ! A San Diego Celebrity. In this scene Baxter, Ron's dog, has admitted to eating a whole wheel of cheese. Impressive! I told you San Diegians love cheese!

Juno (2007)

Macaroni without cheese is like a body with no soul.

Box Trolls (2014)

This movie takes place in the town of Cheesebridge, and the characters are obsessed with cheese. I've read that 55 different prop cheeses were made for this stop motion animation. Cheese is the unofficial star of the movie with plenty of cheesy puns.

When will cheese be nominated for an Oscar?

What are some of your favorite cheese related movie moments? Share so I can check them out.

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